Wednesday 29 February 2012

From Bars to Bikram - Transition into the new modern - YOU (Part 1)

Oh what a transition I've been on in the last 6 months. I've swapped cocktails to green smoothies, benders to Bikram, Marie Claire to Nature & Health magazines, sleep ins to early rises with morning rituals. With modern day inspirations like Miranda Kerr, Jess Ainscough, Sarah Beth and a bevy of other healthful & spiritual beauties, it only came natural - I want what she's having! Wanna join in?

My mantra is mind, body, soul - referring to the strong correlation beween each. If you are working on the mind and body but still feel like something is missing - then you have most likely been neglecting your soul. This post is about the spiritual self work you can do to begin the journey to realising there is more to you - the real you.

Your soul sits with you always - but it can easily be clouded in a muck of thoughts, negative self talk, stories your mind makes up, words, images and emotions. Behind it all, there is a beaming divinity which is consistent, unchanging, unmoving, & existing in bliss. It's the power that guides you and gives you strength. Listen to it, grow it and show it. There is no other way about it if you are to live a more meaningful life. So switch your mind off for just a moment, and get into the groove of you with Part 1 of the following techniques (tried and tested by me):


Why meditate: Meditation is a tool to create room for peace within. It's about shutting off the outer world, shutting off the chattering mind and letting an inner world grow. Benefits of meditation include: clearer thinking, creation of balance in our hectic lifestyles, relaxation (apparently half an hours worth is more beneficial than 8 hours sleep), development of insight and intuition. If you need more info, see 100 benefits of meditation.

My experience: In my own practice, I try and do some form of meditation for at least 10 minutes a day and preferably in the morning. With everything calm inside my day is more positive, energtic & fulfilling. When I first tried meditation last year, & my mind was still being a complete monkey, my mind would drift off and I would get frustrated that I couldnt do it properly. The key is to let go of this, when thoughts come, notice them, but dont fight them. Just bring your attention back to your breath. The more you meditate, the better your practice, the closer you get each time.

How to do it: There are a number of ways to meditate, at the end of the day its what you feel comfortable with, and then slowly increasing how long you do it.  Personally I like guided meditation. The YouTube clip here is a great start.

Mindfulness practice

Mindfulness is all about being in the very present moment without getting caught up in your thoughts. You can practice mindfulness when you eat, when you brush your teeth, while your walking - at any time in the day! Mindfulness is important as the more we practice mindfulness our awareness, insightfulness and clarity of the mind increases, meaning we are more productive and at one with everything around us. It is where we find acceptance and it's where we find happiness :). At first mindfulness was a hard concept for me to get my head around, but with a bit of practice it becomes something you incorporate deeply into your life. You start to notice destructive thought patterns as they arise, and are able to dissipate them quickly.

I was given a mindfulness meditation CD by Dave. It only lasts 10 minutes and gets you to focus on each part of the body, whilst practicng deep breathing. You then notice sounds around you but see them as mental objects rather than thinking about where they are coming from, & then it gets you to fully notice your thoughts, without getting carried away by them. Another way you can practice mindfulness is to turn your thoughts off and completely notice with all of your senses what is happening in that very present moment. While you walk, you might notice the burn in your legs or your breath, or the feeling of the fresh air whipping against your face. Be present, be mindful :)


There are many forms of yoga but I will only go into Bikram at this stage because its had the most benefits for me. What I love about Bikram is that it has shown me some incredible things about myself. Every time I finish the 90 minutes of hot room strain I walk out feeling more confident than I did before. With my mind concentrated on my breath and my body, I find mental stillness. When I first started Bikram, I wanted to run out of the room because of the heat, but now that I stay in there and face and accept the environment, I see myself strongly facing my fears. I am constantly challenging my body with the postures, pushing each one further and further, so I am building strength, detoxifying my system and breaking through my own barriers. Locust pose in Salabhasana is my most dreaded pose in the class (see above). Previously I had only been able to lift my legs about 2 cm off the ground, and today I started to feel my legs lift way higher and I was so proud of that. I am overcoming and beating my biggest challenges! To know I can face these challenges head on in class, means I can bring it out into my own life. Bikram yoga not only gives me body strength but mental and inner strength also. I go to Perth Bikram Yoga - for more information see here:

Practice each regularly, and you'll start to feel more in touch with yourself as the mental muck makes a move. Sometimes we ARE the journey, we in ourselves are an awesome thing to grow, challenge and discover. If you think you can give up nights out for just one month to practice any of the above, I promise the rewards will be much greater than any hangover! ;) In Part 2 I will give you my insights into positive affirmations, gratefulness and putting trust in the universe.

xxx Nat

Sunday 26 February 2012

Liquid Goodness! Say goodbye to that Latte and even a good alcoholic alternative

I love the government initiative of "Swap it Don't Stop it" and so I have made this post about swapping the drinks that are keeping your body clock backwards to drinks that will have your body singing morning, noon and night. Just like with anything in life, neglect those things that dont serve you, and swap them for those things which will only enhance your life and lead you to your desired goals. Healthful alternatives are here! & Don't forget that water is your best beverage in any case.

If you currently drink any of the following on a regular basis or have a slight addiction to it say "I":

SOFT DRINK (including diet)

If you said "I" to more than 2 (you might even have said yes to all of them) read on as to what these drinks are actually doing to you:


Ahh that glorious mug of AM "pick me up" goodness. Wakes up your brain, has you feeling alive - and ready to take on the world! However, that same "buzz" you get is the warning sign that your nervous system is being overstimulated. Overconsumption leads to dehydration (showing in your skin), inability to relax, meditate and sleep. If your stress levels are through the roof and you don't know how to cope, the first best thing you can do is wean yourself off the caffeine. The response to the overstimulation caffeine provides also means an excessive jump in your cortisol levels, cortisol being the body's stress reducing hormone. You body needs cortisol in during long periods of stress but too much cortisol and you are left with an increased appetite, excessive fat storage and poor blood sugar control. If you HAVE to have a coffee, keep it to 1 a day, in the AM. I personally get very buzzy off caffeine and so normally enjoy the pick me up it gives when I rock up to work, but caffeine also gets me very stressed out as I have a very sensitive nervous system. The days I wean off caffeine I find myself in the flow of life a lot better and approach my work with more ease and clear thinking. Practices such as yoga and meditation are performed much better with a calm internal system also.


Green tea infused with fresh lemon & ginger - Green tea still has caffeine but it has a gentler stimulating effect than coffee. Green tea is also full of antioxidents and promotes fat loss. Benefits of green tea link. I like to infuse mine with a squeeze of fresh lemon and some fresh ginger grated into there. The lemon is alkalising and ginger has a range of benefits including assisting with circulation, digestion and inflammation. Maya Fiennes, Kundalini yoga teacher and ambassador, refers to a ginger and lemon tea even on its own to be a soul brightening tonic. Try it and see.

Cacao & Maca powder tea - This is a tablespoon of raw cacao powder mixed with half a teaspoon of Maca powder with boiling water. Awesome healthy alternative to both coffee and hot chocolate. Cacao is mood boosting and has great antioxident power, not to mention a rich chocolate taste. Maca powder is an energy boosting superfood root from Peru. It has a nutty flavour and assists in balancing your hormones. I really love Maca powder and use it in all my smoothies.

Herbals - Green tea, White tea and Yerba mate - It's always nice just to have a box of teabags handy for when you want a coffee replacement. Try any of these for a gentle pick me up otherwise try natural caffeine free teas like Roiboos, Peppermint or Dandelion tea for the great health benefits that these teas can provide. I personally love Dandelion (can be bought as in instant granule form) as it aids digestion and detoxifies the blood and kidneys. Roiboos has a lovely sweet woody flavour and is a rich source in antioxidents and really good for your skin. Never sweeten with sugar, try Stevia (natural sweetener, not artificial) instead.

SOFT DRINK - Diet and non Diet varieties

I have been the culprit of being a Pepsi Max monster! It always seems like a nice treat when you put yourself on a strict diet. But no, after investigation I've been faced with some hard facts. If you're trying to be good and not go the sugar laden, acidic and artificially coloured average soft drink and going for the "diet" range, I have some bad news! Artificial sweeteners and caffeine used in diet drinks are your #1 problem. The artificial sweetener Aspartame is a chemical which if consumed in excess can put you at risk of diabetes as it increases the glucose levels in the blood and reduces insulin. The chemical Bromine which is used in some sodas solidifies fat too. The effects of excess caffeine I have mentioned is above. The only way is natural guys! Stay away from chemical produced anything - your body will thank you for it. Red Bull falls into both the excess Caffeine and Soft drink category.


Well yes I do. Try Dr Red's Ginger Punch. It has a similar flavour to ginger beer but is full of antioxidents, vitamins and minerals. You can also make a "lemonade" out of Agave/Maple syrup, freshly squeezed lemon and a bit of cayenne pepper (if you'd like a metabolism boost and kick) in filtered water.


Good on you for wanting to do the right thing. You've chosen fruit over soft drink! Unfortunately the juice you buy in a plastic bottle from the supermarket may very well be as bad as other sugar laden beverages. When juices are bottled they go through a heating process which essentially kills the nutrients and enzymes that the fruit it supposed to give you, and you are left with sugar and acid. The heating causes fruits acidity levels to increase, and this acid will wear the enamel on your teeth and be harsh on your insides. By drinking bottled juice you are also at risk of consuming additional preservatives, salt & sugar.


Fresh green juice - The benefits of a fresh juice range far and wide. Beating the supermarket juice by far - here you have a glass of nutrient rich goodness which is easily assimilated and absorbed by the body! The aim when making your juice is to keep as much nutritional content in tact as possible so you reap the full benefits of your juice. You do this by using juicers that will not heat up the fruit/juice (cold press juicers are good for this), by not leaving it too long before you drink your juice (otherwise store in airtight dark glass jars/stainless steel cannisters) and by putting in the good stuff. You dont want to use too much fruit as its a pretty high sugar content when you do. A great alkalising and highly nutritious juice recipe to have every day which tastes great is:

1 bunch kale
1 piece ginger
1/2 cucumber
1 lemon
1 apple
1 piece celery

Check which fruits and veg do and dont mix well together before making a concoction as well. Apples, lemons and limes are generally the only fruits you can really mix with vegetables as to not ruin the veggie enzymes unlike other fruits which can cause bad digestion.

Coconut water - Pure coconut water is the bomb. I love the stuff and drink it nearly every day! It is the best alternative to a sugar filled sports drinks too. Benefits: super hydrating, full of electrolytes, potassium, magnesium, zero fat, zero cholestoral and zero preservatives. If you cant crack open a young green coconut yourself the best brand is Cocobella. Never buy your coconut water from anything other than a tetra pak. The coconut water is extremely sensitive to light and only maintains a majority of its health benefits when the coconut water is contained in a similar environment to the coconut shell it came from. A tetra pak is the best packaging for it.


We've nearly all grown up drinking our beloved cow's milk, drinking it through Tim Tam's or having it as the great accompaniment to Weetbix, coffee, tea etc. So what I'm about to say might offend some people, to the point I was going to leave the milk section out. FYI anyway. Cow's are milked by machines over and over, swollen udders and tight pulling by the machines means some blood and pus goes into the milk. To get rid of this, the milk is pasteurised. Pasteurisation is another heating process which rids the milk of bacteria but also enzymes. I'm not sure where we got the scientific evidence that milk is full of calcium needed for bones, because in a society of big milk drinkers we still have high cases of osteoperosis. Digesting animal protein causes an acidic environment in the body which actually decreases the amount of calcium we absorb. Cow's milk is also highly phospherous which doesnt mix too well with calcium and even more so we lose out on the main benefit we are sold to drink it on. We have a lot of trouble digesting it. When you think about the rising numbers with lactose intolerance it only makes sense to think that perhaps we just weren't meant to have it as humans in the first place. If you find you get stomach upsets, or even sinus issues, try cutting milk out of your diet and see how you feel.


I personally don't drink soy milk for one major reason - it increases oestrogen production. Anything that messes with my hormones I'm not willing to ingest. Excess oestrogen can result in weight gain and mood swings & is the number one contributer to cellulite.


Rice milk & almond milk - These are nice alternatives to Cow's milk which are gluten free and non harmful. If you are looking for ways to get your calcium then you can increase consumption of the following:

-dark, leafy green vegetables
-sesame seeds
-tahini (hulled or unhulled paste)
-figs (dried or fresh)
-small fish with bones intact (ie anchovies and sardines)


I hear ya, your saying what the hey, how do you have an alternative for my weekend bender brew. You can thank Organic One wines. They are dedicated to producing wines chemical free, preservative free, artificial anything free. Their wines are actually good for you! I say we celebrate now by buying a few cases

If you have an addiction to anything that is not good for you, a juice detox can definately assist with that. & for anyone following my progress on the juice feast - my cold press juicer is only being exchanged via shipping now, so in a few more weeks I will be able to give you the run down. Headaches, cravings, thoughts and all. I am looking forward to it!

If you have any other natural beverages you drink that adds to your life's wellness, please share in the comments section below!

Friday 17 February 2012

DIY Food Planning

Well it's Saturday again and it's a good day to make plans at creating the life that I want! I check in on my goals and dreams, and then create check lists with tasks that can be achieved within week to help me move towards my desired future goals. As promised from the last post I'll talk about FOOD PLANNING today.

Having a plan set out for the week helps me to stay on track ie. keeping within my budget, being able to plan a shopping list, always having something prepared so I'm not reaching for "whatever", and that "whatever" end up being something crap in my system.

Mind Body Soul! Start with one and it will link into the next. Here's cheers to making my body sing.

My "Body" mantra:


Food plan for the week that reflects that:

Rise Green juice & supplements Green juice & supplements Green juice & supplements Green juice & supplements Green juice & supplements Green juice & supplements Green juice & supplements
Breakfast Bliss health shake Egg white omelette Egg white omelette Egg white omelette Egg white omelette Egg white omelette Bliss health shake
Snack 1 Apple & yoghurt Berry bomb salad Berry bomb salad Berry bomb salad Berry bomb salad Berry bomb salad Apple & yoghurt
Lunch Green chicken stir fry Green chicken stir fry Green chicken stir fry Quinoa salad w/sprouts Lunch outing Quinoa salad w/sprouts Quinoa salad w/sprouts
Snack 2 2 hardboiled eggs Kidney beans Kidney beans Kidney beans Kidney beans Kidney beans 2 hard boiled eggs
Dinner Salmon & asparagus Salmon & asparagus Salmon & asparagus Salmon & asparagus Snapper & asparagus Snapper & asparagus Snapper & asparagus
Beverage Herbal teas & 3L water Herbal teas & 3L water Herbal teas & 3L water Herbal teas & 3L water Herbal teas & 3L water Herbal teas & 3L water Herbal teas & 3L water

My OWN rules for what I personally decide to put in my body:

  • Macronutrient content relatively even throughout the day - Lean Protein, Fibrous Carbs, Healthy Fats
  • Keep high GI foods and fruits earlier in the day to use as energy
  • Start the day with an alkalising nutrient rich juice
  • Take my supplements: Natural iron supp, Omega 3 fish oil caps, Apple Cider Vinegar, Multivitamin
  • Protein and vegetables at each main meal
  • A range of fruit and veg, with a focus on organic, high alkaline and mainly greens
  • Keep as close to natural source and form as possible
  • Choose foods which are beneficial to my blood type (A)
  • Nothing processed, no sugar, no added salt, no artificial sweeteners, colours or flavours, saturated fat
  • Keep the antioxident Orac reading high - ie. berries, green tea
  • Eat often - at least 5-7 times per day, every 2-3 hours to keep the metabolism up and running efficiently.
This is what was in my shopping cart this morning (mostly certified organic from Manna - Sth Tce in Freo! Lovin it):

Goji Berries
Cacao powder
Bok Choy
Kidney beans
Bean Sprouts
Goats milk yoghurt
Free range eggs


Green Juice

Green juice just means to make a juice of your choice but add greens. For a highly alkalising drink go cucumber, kale, spinach, apple, lemon & ginger.

Egg White Omelette 
Ingredients: 4 Egg Whites - 1 cup of vegetables of choice (shallots, tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach, kale etc. whatever you like!) - 1 tsp Coconut oil - Pepper to taste
1.      Whisk up your eggs in a bowl, if you want to include yolk you can (but only 1 or 2 – not four).

2.      Heat up your coconut oil in the bottom of a small frying pan on low-medium heat, see that the oil is evenly distributed over the pan.

3.      Chuck your egg whites in and cook for 1 minute

4.      Add your veggies and pepper and let it all cook until your egg whites have firmed up

5.      Fold in half and serve
Bliss Health Shake

1 Tbs Chia seeds (Omega 3’s and Fibre)

1 Tsp Maca Powder (gives energy, balances hormones… and sex drive apparently haha)
1 Tsp Spirulina Powder (Protein packed and vitamin rich “Nature’s Multivitamin!”)
100 ml Coconut water (Electrolytes)
200g Gippsland Natural Yoghurt (Probiotic)
1 egg white (Protein)
Splash of Almond milk
11 Almonds (Healthy fats)

Handful of Spinach (You can’t taste it once it’s in there – alkaline, green nutrients)
1 cup of Fruit of choice: Mango, blueberries, watermelon, bananas – whatever you want. I love a sweet mango (nutrients)
Ice (To freshen it up a bit ;))

Method: Combine all in a blender until smooth, serve, enjoy. Know that once you’ve drank it you have absolutely nourished yourself.
Berry bomb antioxident salad
Ingredients: Blueberries, Goji Berries, Strawberries, Mango, Crushed Walnuts – dollop with natural yoghurt and sprinkle with cinnamon
The cinnamon will balance your blood sugar levels, yoghurt gives you good bacteria, and the berries give a high antioxidant, cancer fighting kick. Walnuts have omega 3 and healthy fats.

I'm keeping this in the freezer and taking out servings as I need them

Coconut chicken stir fry with greens
Ingredients: 500g free range chicken breast (Happy chickens = happy you!) J 1 bunch of Kale - 1 head of broccoli chopped - 1 bunch Bok Choy - 1 Zucchini chopped - 1 Tbs coconut oil - ¼ cup dessicated coconut - Sprinkling Cayenne Pepper
Method: Heat a wok or coconut oil in a large heavy bottom fry pan. Chuck in the chicken and let it cook a little before adding your veggies. Add dessicated coconut and cayenne pepper. Cook until the chicken is cooked all the way through.
Quinoa Salad

Ingredients: 1/2 cup cooked Quinoa - ¼ Avocado - ½ Tomato - 1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar - 2 tsp Olive oil - 1 can of tuna in spring water - Sprouts
Combine altogether and serve as a salad.
I’m really digging the sprouting grains movement, so from here on I won’t be cooking quinoa I will sprout them in airtight jars. 1 cup quinoa to 4 cups water, leave it for a few days then consume J I did it the other week, they don’t go as fluffy as when you cook them but still good. Always handy to have a batch handy.
Baked Fish with Asparagus
I’m not the genius who created this one, Fitness Model Jamie Eason did. But I can’t believe how simple and well it works. The fish comes out full flavour from the lemon and spices, and really juicy too. Veggies are cooked to perfection. I love to use salmon, cayenne pepper, lemons, ginger and asparagus on top. You can chuck broccolini in there too.
This is the plan I have chosen to follow to get me to my goals.

What are your goals? Can you make a plan that supports them to the fullest?


Wednesday 15 February 2012

The "D word" & On Attaining My Dream Body


Diets. Atkins, Master Cleanse, Dukan, Lemon Detox. The list goes on and on. Any “diet” that has a set structure and name, or comes in a powder form – DO NOT GO NEAR. When you refer to a “diet” what you are really referring to is your daily eating habits. What can I tell you about habits:

1.      You can CHOOSE your habits for life – good or bad.

2.      New & positive habits are best introduced gradually, and bad ones let go of gradually

3.      Recognising your current habits is the first step to changing the bad and moving in the new

4.      To achieve a desired goal, we must recognize the habits that will help us to get there and continue to stand by them day in and day out until our goal is reached.

5.      Habits only take about 3 weeks before they become part of our normal routine. You can do it J

Unfortunately our society has this obsession with being SKINNY, which has led to doctors absolutely cashing in on desperation by promising rapid weight loss with fad diets. In the meantime, girls from all over the world are making themselves sick! Eating only protein only for 5 days straight! Yuck! (I regrettably tried this one, never again).

I ask myself what brings this desperation on, or desperation in any form within someone’s life, and I find that it starts in the mind. Mind: “I do not accept myself as I am, therefore I NEED (insert supermodel of choice)’s body”. Mind: “I do not accept myself as I am, therefore I NEED that flashy car so that girls will like me”. The deal is, you don’t NEED anything. The things you NEED you already have. You have a heart that beats, a soul that sings, a personality that is yours to keep, and a body that is your vessel. There are other needs that come secondary as per Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Wikipedia: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

It is your mission to ensure that you look after the gifts of your mind, body and soul to the best of your ability, by nourishing, giving thanks, appreciating and doing what is best for each 3 areas for the rest of your life. By doing so you will be graced with richer fruits of life. Each are interconnected, so how about let’s start with the easily identifiable one: THE BODY


1.   Your body wants to be “heard” - Your body just bloody wants you to listen to it, and if you don’t you’ll get a nice form of illness so that you actually do start listening. We can go our whole lives ignoring signals because we can’t be bothered dealing with it, but we miss out on so much when we do. So be proactive with health, and look out for any signals.

2.   Your body wants to be nourished – With the gifts from the earth mainly: lots of raw fruit, vegetables, legumes, grains, meat, fish etc - anything with as little processing/chemicals to the foods as possible.

3.   Your body needs to move and be challenged – Your body is crying out to have every single cell and muscle activated DAILY! Let yourself know you’re alive by pushing its limits and moving. You’re body is capable of a lot, the more you move, the more you challenge, the further you go J.

4.   Your body needs rest & relaxation – Balance is the key, as much as you’re moving, you’re body needs to balance it out. In those moments of relaxation, your body heals and takes in the benefits of all the work you put into it.


If you read my first post about why this Blog exists, you'll know that I originally didn't look after my body in desperation to lose weight. Gone are the days of eating random food in random order (no breakfast, processed chicken with chillis for lunch, cheese and biscuits snack pack, a protein bar, some fruit ...then a lean cuisine for dinner.. and not much else). Since then I've culminated ALOT of info for you to get you started on the RIGHT TRACK. Don't ever starve yourself - it's not worth it. There is no easy way out, the only option you have is to look after yourself. Also remember there is no set plan you can follow for life, we are constantly changing, it's just a priority that we make good choices. Knowledge is power, research is a key. Let me show you my findings.

So what habits will incorporate you looking after your mind, body & soul AND get you the body you desire? My personal goal, had always been to have a toned, happy & healthy body with minimal body fat. After a years research plus trialling and testing different ways to get my “dream body” (mistakes and wins), here are the basics of getting there:

1.      Define the goal you want to achieve – cut out pictures, write the goal down, look at your body in the mirror and imagine it looking and feeling as you want it to. It’s not always about the “kg” reading, especially when you’re not overweight to begin with. I personally love Eva Mendes’ body – she is fit but beautiful and curvy at the same time. BUT I ALSO KNOW - that if I am doing everything right and I still dont end up looking like her - THATS OK! Some people just need a kick of motivation and a visual helps you do that. But always remember that this is for you and there is nothing better than having YOUR VERY OWN UNIQUE, BEAUTIFUL, HAPPY AND HEALTHY BODY. When you accept your body, is when the real beauty shines. Be confident, go forth and conquer.

2.      Use a calorie and fitness tracking counter ie. I use this site to ensure I’m keeping on track. You can enter your goal weight and it will give your estimated daily kilojoule intake to achieve it. Do not go under the number they give you.

3.      Choose your daily food and meals:

a.      Balance your complex and fibrous carbs, lean proteins and healthy fats (40%,40%,20%) Girls tend to get better results with less carbs and higher protein. If you logon with they will measure out your ratios for you.

b.      I recommend clean eating, a full list of recommended foods are here: Jamie Eason LiveFit Trainer Approved Foods my only issue with is they tend to glorify processed protein powders, processed supplements and sugar free anything – I recommend staying away from these. Your body will run at its optimum by going natural. Try keep your fruit and veg, grains etc as RAW AS POSSIBLE – this ensures you are getting all your nutrients, heat tends to kill them J & for any cooking you must do, I cannot celebrate and recommend Coconut oil enough! Coconut oil is the only oil that can withstand high temperatures and not go carcinogenic! Don’t go over a tablespoon a day. See here for a recent article posted on the Kora Organics website regarding the beauty benefits of coconut oil: Coconut Oil: Eat Your Beauty Treatment

c.      Remember that your body needs healthy fats to metabolise fat – don’t cut them out. Try an Omega 3 supplement, salmon, avocado, walnuts, coconut oil, the list goes on (see above link)

4.      Choose your exercise:

a.      Balance your resistance training, cardio and stretching.

b.      If you are looking to blast fat, a moderate 30 minute cardio session before breakfast works well as your body hasn’t eaten and will turn to your fat stores. HIIT is a great one to do before breakfast. My fave is to walk down to the local park/footy field, alternate sprinting and walking between the field posts 5 times, it’s great HIIT session which activates your fast twitch muscle fibres.

c.      Do high intensity cardio if you are looking to up your fitness, do note however, that anything too high intensity will turn you catabolic (meaning eating into your muscles). Less muscle = lower metabolism! You will also look more like a skinny/fat person without the tone. Doing moderate intensity cardio combined with HIIT training you will save your muscle & lose fat. It all depends on what your goals are.

d.      Don’t be afraid to lift moderately heavy weights and build a little muscle – Be inspired by Oxygen magazine & JNL workouts: JNL Swimsuit Workout I also really love high reps with light weights which you can do through Body Pump classes.

e.      STRETCH after your workouts, protect your body from injuries and keep it lean and supple. Throw in a Yoga class at least once a week. I am currently signed up for a month of Bikram and am endeavouring to complete it every day. The results are incredible after just one week, look out for my next post on Bikram and the benefits J

f.       Do what you enjoy! It’s meant to be challenging but FUN! There are so many options for exercise. Start at your own pace, crank up the music and have a blast. Change it up every few weeks so your body doesnt get bored and stagnate

g.      Listen to your body! Ensure you rest up after all this hard work, take days off and if you’re tired let yourself lay about. You’ve worked hard, you deserve it J

5.      Plan ahead

a.      Make a weekly meal plan, this will help with the shopping list

b.      Make an exercise plan – go for 1 hour of exercise at least 4 times a week

6.      Boost metabolism

a.      Eat 5-7 meals per day to keep your metabolism going

b.      Lift weights and build muscle – your body has to work harder when maintaining muscle so even while your resting your metabolism is still going! Meaning less work on the treadmill for you ;) As a girl you won’t get bulky, you don’t have the testosterone for it.

c.      Certain supplements can assist with boosting metabolism – namely Cayenne Pepper and Apple Cider vinegar. When I’m serious about getting in shape, before I eat anything in the morning I’ll make a drink with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, a sprinkling of cayenne pepper and squeeze of lemon. Spicy!!!

d.      Look after your digestive system – probiotics and lots of fibre please!

7.      Get inspired

a.      Just Do It

b.      Look at your inspirations body every day and know that IT IS ATTAINABLE – AND IN A HEALTHY WAY

c.      Be accountable for your habits – write them down, use and make the changes

d.   Dont give up - if you dont see changes right away - it takes a good 12 weeks to where you want to be if stuck to daily

PHEW!! I know this is A LOT of information to remember and consider, especially if it is all new to you.  When performing your new habits, perhaps try slowly implementing a new one each week – Ie you might like to start with always eating a healthy breakfast.

To make things a little easier, I’ll show you examples of my meal & exercise planner in another blog post. I’ll include the recipes too, so that you can try them at home (with pics, of course you want to see what you’re eating in advance!)

LASTLY - This is just practical advice I'e gathered from research - pick and choose the info you want that suits YOU. If you are making any changes to your diet or exercise - I recommend seeing your Dr first. Be kind to yourself.
Feel free to ask questions or leave comments.

Friday 10 February 2012

The Juicey on a Juice "Feast"

Reports of an inner glow, the initiation of kicking sugar for good AND giving my digestive system a much deserved break – what’s not to love about embarking a juice cleanse!? Of course.. .apart from the shock of no solids for 5 days straight :/

In light of starting my very first juice “feast” this weekend, I thought I would share with you the background info I found before starting and what my plan of attack is! I’ll be keeping a diary log of how the cleanse goes daily and then once done I’ll post the whole thing so you can have a read of how it goes.

As you may or may not have realised, Perth hasn’t quite kept up on the latest trends in healthy living compared to the East Coast. When originally wanting to embark on a 5 day juice cleanse, & having no juicer - I went on the hunt to find a quality home delivery juice service in Perth. I was disheartened to see that our Eastern staters were reaping the convenience and benefits and not us!

Check these cool sites out (exclusive to the East Coast L):

These sites have done much research into juice cleanses, so some useful information can be found there. Don’t get too envious though, as I have come to realise after a bit of digging around, is that a DIY juice cleanse could be much more beneficial because:

1.      For one, the detoxes you buy from these sites are expensive, while you can buy a decent juicer around the same price, to last you for many future cleanses to come.

2.      The other, is in order to reap the benefits of freshly squeezed juice, you should really be drinking it immediately upon juicing - upto half an hour afterwards max. Nutrients in fresh juice diminish very quickly once squeezed, so as soon as it’s squeezed, bottoms up! These particular companies deliver your juice in the morning for the entire day, so once you get to the last juice, you may have lost heaps of the good stuff to keep you glowing

3.      I’ve also noticed that schkinnymanniny store their juices in plastic & I can’t quite tell whether there has been any heating process to seal the lids on the bottles. The normal heating process of your supermarket bottled juices are blasted with heat to seal them, meaning your nutrients are blasted and it turns your juice into liquid sugar and acid immediately. If you want your juice to last with nutrients most in tact, its best to store in dark glass jars or stainless steel containers.

So why a Juice Cleanse?

1. You'll give your digestive system a good break in order for it to regain its maximum efficiency when you start eating again. A healthy and efficient digestive system is the essence of a healthily functioning body. With no fibre to break down, your digestive system doesnt really have to work on a juice cleanse

2. You'll rid yourself of toxins - since you won't be putting any crap in your body, the toxins that currently exist will have time to break themselves up and be flushed from your system. Since toxins are being stirred up, there will be detox symptoms where you might feel a bit crud, but get through the next couple of days and the best will start to show.

3. If you dont feel in control of your eating or what you put in your mouth - this is a good place to start. A good juice cleanse will curb your future cravings for bad foods. Regular cleanses can curb your cravings for sugar. Sugar is addictive - you CAN get rid of the addiction
4. Results - bright eyes, glowing skin and a fresh feeling inside. I'll be the first to report back to you on this.

The juice cleanse I have decided to follow is a mixture between advice from Jess Ainscough’s “The Wellness Warrior Starter Kit” and The Alkaline Sisters “Juice Feast” tips:

Jess recommends 10 days but as a first timer I will only do it for 5.

I am using an Iwell JuiceBuddy Cold Press Juicer. I’ll let you know how I find this particular juicer in my final review of the cleanse

My shopping list is as follows:

40 Carrots (whoa)
20 Lemons
15 Cucumbers
5 mint leaves
20 Kale leaves
3 Ginger pieces
15 Apples
2 Broccoli
10 Celery stalks
1 Cabbage

I’ll be purchasing certified organic produce where available. After doing the calcs, it will work out to be about $100 for the 5 day cleanse (cheaper if you purchase non organic from the markets).

My juice timetable:

Rise (6am)
1 cup Cabbage rejuvelac
1 cup Cabbage rejuvelac
1 cup Cabbage rejuvelac
1 cup Cabbage rejuvelac
1 cup Cabbage rejuvelac
7am (Breakfast)
Carrot & lemon juice
Carrot & lemon juice
Carrot & lemon juice
Carrot & lemon juice
Carrot & lemon juice
9am (Mid morning)
Coconut water
Coconut water
Coconut water
Coconut water
Coconut water
12pm (Lunch)
Cucumber ginger
Cucumber ginger
Cucumber ginger
Cucumber ginger
Cucumber ginger
3pm (Afternoon)
Apple carrot ginger
Apple carrot ginger
Apple carrot ginger
Apple carrot ginger
Apple carrot ginger
6pm (Home time)
Super green
Super green
Super green
Super green
Super green
8pm (Dinner)
Super green
Super green
Super green
Super green
Super green

& here are my juice recipes!

Carrot lemon rise
4 carrots
1 lemon
Cucumber ginger
1 cucumber
Mint sprig
2 Kale leaves
1/2 piece ginger
1 lemon
Apple carrot ginger
4 carrots
1 green apple
1 small beetroot
Super green
1 cucumber
Broccoli stems
1 stalk celery
Piece of Cabbage
1 leaf kale
1 Lemon
1 Apple

 If they get completely boring, I will just mix them up with some different fruits n veg. No need to be too strict here, but I will try and stay away from too much fruit. Cocobella coconut water is ok, as is as much water as possible and herbal teas (no caffeine). The cabbage rejuvelac I’m referring to is a miracle juice as recommended at the Kora Organics breakfast Cherie & I attended at the end of 2011, hosted by Miranda Kerr’s Mum, Therese Kerr and Chef Kate. It’s basically just cabbage fermented in a jar with water. Apparently it is meant to work wonders as an incredible probiotic! So here’s hoping I don’t gag too much.

I will also be incorporating some other detoxing methods during this time - Bikram yoga daily, dry body brushing, meditation and epsom salt baths.
Just so you can see what kind of results such a cleanse can bring, I’ll post the results and journey on Thursday! (post detox). Very excited to see and share the results. & just remember if you ARE embarking on a juice cleanse, the post detox is important too, slowly introduce solids, and focus on consuming only raw ingredients for the first few days afterwards. Listen to and be kind to your body always xx