Sunday 18 November 2012

Pre-tox to my De-tox

In 2 weeks and I’ll be off to The Spa Resorts in Koh Samui undergoing the 7 day “You’ve Changed My Life” fasting program. I’m a little bit scared but REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. Check out pics here:


The cleanse itself is going to involve fasting on special detox shakes, teas, supplements and juices, with a set schedule: regular intake of the juices every 3 hours and meditation and yoga every morning. Massages, the steam room and and colonics (eep) are daily norms. I can’t wait to see how I feel after this, it’s going to be a challenge and a half!

Prior to the fast the resort recommends to do a pre-cleanse which will help my body be ready for the cleansing. The website recommends:

Avoid heavy proteins, white breads, cakes, sugar & other highly processed foods as well as coffee, alcohol & soft drinks. Plenty of vegetable & fruit juices are best. We suggest you eat and drink alkaline-forming foods such as: all fresh fruits, raw vegetables & juices, salad greens, sprouts, apple cider vinegar, dates, dried apricots, dried figs, grapefruit, melons, raisins, millet, molasses, lima beans and lentils.

So that’s what I’m gunna do! In addition to this, I recently attended a seminar on Hormonal Health by Dr Sam Warner, which gave an incredible amount of information on what to eat for great hormonal health. It’s my aim to be in balance, so I have incorporated some of her tips as of late and will continue to apply them in the pre-tox. I thought I’d share my little plan plus give you the additional info I picked up in the hormonal health seminar.


Rise & Shine: Supplements time

I’m a big fan of waking up to a large glass of apple cider vinegar diluted in water and then taking my supplements first thing. ACV alkalizes the body and mixed with water gets your digestive system ready for the day. My morning supps consist of:

1 Herbs of Gold Women’s Multivitamin (has grapeseed oil)

2 Fish oil caps (Omega 3’s)

1 Probiotic & (Digestive health)

A Royal Jelly Capsule (Explained below)

This ensures any nutritional gaps in my diet are filled. The benefits of Royal Jelly really piqued my interest in the hormonal health seminar as it included reversing the signs of ageing, increased vitality, hormone balancing and the list continues. Apparently it’s the stuff the worker bees create to feed the Queen Bee, this is the ONLY food the Queen Bee will eat. Since taking this stuff for a couple of weeks I have noticed my vitality has increased and skin tone has improved.

Breakfast: Super Powers Smoothie

I LOVE SUPERFOODS! & the fact you can whip them into a super yummy smoothie rocks my socks off. Here is the one I’m having at the moment and will continue to during the pre-tox.

1 scoop Herbs of Gold natural Pea Protein Isolate (All natural, has green tea and veggies in there, sweetened with Stevia)

1 TBS Flax seeds (Hormonal health and aid digestion)

1 TBS Raw cacao powder (Magnesium)

1 cup frozen berries (Vitamin C)

1 TSP Chlorella, Spirulina & Barley Grass powder (Protein, omega 3 and cleansing)

1 TSP Maca Powder (Hormonal balancing – note really really good for women with menopause, iads the symptoms)

1 TSP Coconut Oil (Digestive aid, antiviral, good for skin and hair)

1 TSP Bee pollen (mood booster and anti ageing, see here for further benefits: its amazing


It’s Choc-Berry goodness and I am in love.

Mid morning snack

Goji berries (major antioxxident, Vitamin C, stimulates the Pituitary Gland and increases Human Growth Hormone)

Green tea (anti cancer, appetite suppressant)

STOP - HGH Time.

Since I just mentioned the increase of Human Growth Hormone from Goji berries I thought I‘d let you know why it’s important. As we get older our HGH levels decline, but it’s HGH that maintains our tissues and organs throughout life. With enough HGH we remain youthful, can lose weight and increase your energy.  Men will find that their muscles grow, though women won’t have to worry about this. It’s becoming increasingly popular to get a jab of HGH from the Dr, & celebrities are onto it too, but why not try and keep it natural. You can increase HGH naturally by eating Goji berries, doing sprints (activating the fast twitch muscle fibres assist this), and only eating a small protein meal in the evening. Fasting also stimulates HGH.


Chicken salad

Hemp seeds (Protein, omega 3)

Cucumber (skin on for the silica)

Tomato (lycopene)




Afternoon meal

Chicken salad




Spinach leaves

Another blended protein shake but no fruit

I’ve requested raw vegetarian food for the plane ride, and will bring some natural snacks with me as well.

My preparation for the detox is planned and ready to go. I’ll get myself a diary to jot down all I experience on the retreat, and will be sure to post!

If you’ve had a detox retreat experience, I’d love to hear from you about it!!/TheSpaResorts?fref=ts 

The Spa Resorts have an awesome Facebook page with lots of inspirational health info if you'd like to sign up! Link above!


Sunday 11 November 2012

Meditation for the new generation


I'm a little flustered when I think about just how IMPORTANT meditation is in this day and age of fast paced EVERYTHING, yet how many people just dont take the time out to do it. Too woo woo, too spiritual, too ancient & images of holy men sitting in awkward positions chanting I'm sure has turned a lot of people off. However - meditation is for EVERYBODY, especially our new young generation where we are experiencing a world very different from 100 years ago (note stress and anxiety is at its worst). & there is a practice out there for any type of person you are. I recently completed my studies in meditation teaching & holistic counselling via the International Institute of Complimentary Therapies. If you are new to meditation, I wanted to share with you some info and tips to help you along in your meditation journey.

First, you might want to know why the heck you’d even want to start a practice of taking 10 or more minutes out of your day to just sit there, focusing on blank space in your mind. Surely you could just have a nap, zone out watching TV or attend to the one of the gazillion and one other things that you just HAVE to do! Let's lay it on the table, there is nothing that can happen in 10 minutes that is going to cause the world to stop with you not being there. Second - napping, watching TV or choosing any other relaxation method will not bring you the benefits that meditation does. Meditation is a  unique tool of its own that brings your mind from focussing externally to internally - & it’s in the internal arena where all the magic happens, before you see it in the external world. Your mind can be a tricky little monkey and tell you a lot of reasons NOT to do something, when you know very well deep down somewhere that it’s going to be really beneficial for you.

WIIFM (What’s in it for me??)

Consistent meditation practice causes the following:

·        Counteracts the effects of that super bad boy stress. Stress if extended over a long period of time can cause fast forward ageing of the body, weight gain, lead to mental disorders like depression and anxiety, lead to illness including heart problems, cognitive dysfunction… and the list goes on and on… proactive management of stress is essential today, and 10 minutes of meditation is the perfect antidote for it. Meditation counteracts stress by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy clinically uses basic meditation CDs and mindfulness practice to reverse a whole range of disorders related to stress, that’s how powerful it is.

·        Meditation practice might seem like NOTHING IS HAPPENING, but that’s kind of the point. & it takes a lot of effort to FOCUS ON NOTHING. Our brains are super whirring all day, every day - the average person has 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts in a day! We’re so used to THINKING that even when we rest our brains are still going! Sometimes obsessively! Meditation helps you to control the level of thinking throughout the day. In turn this makes you more FOCUSSED AND PRESENT. Being focussed and present leads us to greater happiness in our lives.

·        You’ll get in touch with your true self. When you start to get more and more into your meditation practice, eventually you’ll find quiet and stillness and in this space you will start having epiphanies and a sense of your true self. I don’t know what you believe, but I believe that we all do have a soul that is of divine intelligence. We don’t always access it because our minds are always chatting away, but in this stillness, we find it, embrace it and it starts to guide us.


As a meditation newbie, there are some usual frustrations you may find. But keep the goal in mind of how beneficial meditation is and you will soon get over it. The main problem we have is finding the sweet spot, because our brains are still learning to be QUIET. The streams of thoughts do come, and they may appear in thoughts such as:

“Am I doing it right”

“Is this really for me”

“What’s next”

“I’m bored”

Notice how they are all trying to get you right back into your thinking habit? This tends to happen if you have issues with control. Not thinking for a lot of people means you somehow don’t have control over yourself. Funny thing is – it’s the complete opposite! You will have MORE control over yourself if you can exercise LETTING GO of all your thoughts & know that it’s completely ok.

Top tips for when thoughts like these come:

1.      Don’t judge them, be the neutral observer

2.      Remember to see them just as thoughts and nothing but thoughts, this includes words, images, feelings etc.

3.      Acknowledge them and let them dissipate naturally, don’t try to fight them away

4.     When thoughts start to run havoc - focus deeply on every aspect of your breath in the very present moment. The way it feels, the way it makes your rib cage expand, how your belly rises etc. Be mindful, be present.

Meditation for the first time is kinda like riding a bike, we’re all a bit wobbly at first but soon enough we’re smooth sailing. If you’re not experiencing these things and you’ve slipped right into the meditation sweet spot – congratulations! Keep going and you’ll probably want to expand your practice as you go – 20 minutes twice a day is the ideal. If you’re not quite there yet, remember the above and keep going, we’re talking about self mastery and happiness here.

There are many meditations you can try, including - guided, visualisation, walking meditations, zen meditations, mantra etc …it’s about finding what suits you. As a newbie I’d recommend guided meditations and mindfulness exercises. There is a huge library on YouTube of meditations you can do. Anything from Deepak Chopra and Eckart Tolle is good! Here are a couple of links you might like to initially try:


1. Don’t judge yourself

2. Practice first thing in the morning when you wake up – it allows for smooth sailing and focus for the rest of the day

3. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight up – this ensures the relaxation messages from your brain are travelling throughout your body properly

4. Bring yourself back to your breath whenever you feel off whack – not just during meditation but anywhere & anytime throughout the day when you need to re-centre and focus

5. Be patient

6. Remember that this is a special practice just for yourself, as part of making you the best you - right here, right now
Get your meditation on people, NOW

Have you tried meditation before? If so what are the biggest challenges you’ve found in your practice? Leave a comment in the box below.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Summer – Ready, Set, Glow!

We were lucky in Perth to feel the very first blissful kiss of summer the other weekend. It prompted me to whip out the Palmer’s cocoa butter, spray Dolce & Gabbana’s Light Blue everywhere, shop for some summer clothes and hit the beach. That bitey sunshine that we only get in Aus, thanks to our perfectly positioned hole in the o-zone layer, felt so good while lying on one of our wonderful west coast beaches. Even though it seems to have been just a teaser for what was to come, it was a huge wake up call – summer’s only just around the corner! A winter that is a little long can cause the following:

-        Extra dry skin cells building up and making us look a little washed out

-        Our bodies haven’t had adequate amounts of sun and so we’re a little Vitamin D deficient

-        Leading on from this Vitamin D deficiency are increased forms of the blues & a lowered immune system. At least 30 mins of sun per day has a multitude of health benefits including fighting depression and stress

-        Our bodies were kind in holding onto fat during the colder months to keep us warm, but it’s not necessarily something we want to be flaunting when we start hitting the beach!

It’s just nature for these winter symptoms to pass as the new season hits, but there are definitely things we can do now to ensure that by the time summer comes we are more than ready and absolutely GLOWING. Yay! I’ve outlined these things below:

Revealing the baby smooth skin you were born with

About now is a great time to start getting into the habit of dry body brushing. Dry body brushing is not only used for removing dead skin cells but also used for detoxification. Your skin is the largest organ of your body and by keeping the dead skin moving you are encouraging “out with the old and in with the new” cell production. You also stimulate your blood and lymphatic system so it encourages nutrients and oxygen to the skin, which is completely beneficial to you overall!

I have attached a really good article on how to dry body brush at home (there is an art to doing it properly)

If you’re worried about “orange peel” (cellulite), dry body brushing can help with this. Other remedies are ensuring your drinking loads of water. If you’re into detoxing, there is a juice fast David Wolfe recommends for getting rid of cellulite. For 3 days your juice is:





Apparently the results are amazing, though I am yet to try.

Good bye winter layers

If you gained a couple of kilos over winter - it’s normal! Now is a great time to start your bikini bod program. There are heaps of online resources to achieve a beach body your proud of – you really just need to pick a plan and then stick to it. Where in winter we may have just wanted to snuggle up on the couch – start getting out there and work out at least 3-4 times per week. Tell the winter hunger cravings “thank you but no need anymore now”. Start having lighter meals. You may not have even noticed that your habits changed over winter – now is the time to evaluate and start your bod planning. Keep your eye on the prize! You will glow from the inside out if you only fill yourself with clean foods. If you want any tips feel free to email me.


If you really want fresh skin, start drinking at least 2 litres of water every day, plus another litre for every hour of exercise you do. Drinking this much water is helping you to get rid of so many toxins on a daily basis – I cannot recommend lots of water enough! Think of it as flushing yourself out – including fat cells and waste! Water keeps the skin supple and keeps all of your body functioning at its absolute optimum.

Can I also just chuck in here that Gatorade is not a good post workout choice of hydration. Sugars, food colouring etc. You’re better off having a Gastrolyte. The very very best choice post workout is 100% pure COCONUT WATER. It has electrolytes and potassium, which is generally lost when you do a heavy workout. Go water. Go Coconut water.

Get plenty of berry goodness now

So if we’re lacking in vitamin D and all the happiness that sunshine brings, we can easily get stressed. Stress contributes to vitamin C deficiency – vitamin C is one of those precious vitamins that help with glowing skin. Now is a good time to get all the vitamin C and glow back into your system via a good dose of BERRIES. Most berries are high in vitamin C and contain a ridiculous amount of antioxidents which fight free radicals and combat the effects of aging. Leading up to summer I’m going to be having a few of these:

Berry Easy Vanilla Shake

Blend together:

1/2 cup organic mixed berries (can buy from Manna Wholefoods in freo)

1 Tbs Goji berries

1 Scoop of Tony Sfeirs Designer Physique WPI in Vanilla (100% natural! No sugar, hardly any fat, hardly any carbs )

Optional: Chia seeds, Maca Powder, Acai berry powder

Tastes like ice cream, is natural & only has about 650 kj!

Other ways to glow (in a greenie kinda way):

Be SunSmart: Therese Kerr pointed out to us last year that a majority of sunscreens contain a ridiculous amount of harsh chemicals that get absorbed into the body. Her recommendation was to use Avocado oil as it is a natural sunscreen that protects us from the sun. I’m not sure how the Cancer Council feels about that but the point is – stay sun smart to avoid skin cancer (big problem about having a hole in the o-zone layer).

Choose natural body care products: There are a few websites dedicated to natural beauty products and their reviews. The one I check out the most is Wellness WA:

From greenie facials, tanners, body wraps, exfoliations, skin care products – you name it and want to see a review on it – it’s there!

Eat healthy fats: Don’t be scared of fats, the right type of fats will make your skin glow and encourage fat metabolism so it will actually help you lose weight if that’s your goal. Good fats include: coconut oil, omega 3 fish oils, avocados, nuts (almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, macadamias). But remember, all in moderation.

Green juice: You might want to consider a day of juice fasting on fresh pressed juices made mostly from fresh greens. It reboots the digestive system by giving it a well deserved break. You’d be surprised by how much the proper functioning of our digestive system has on our body overall. It’s very important to look after it. Digestion is all about effectively sorting waste and nutrients. If this isn’t happening smoothly and happily, the rest of the body suffers. Green juice delivers plenty of nutrients and is guaranteed to make you glow.

Think about the environment: In Oz we are so very lucky to be living in a country with boundless beauty. If you’ve lived here your whole life you might take it for granted. The sunshine helps us to appreciate what we’ve got and it’s in these moments we should really reflect on what we love about where we live. It is good for the soul, and it will open your mind to how you might like to give back.

Meditate: There is one practice out of ALL of the above that will make you glow brighter than anything- and that is carrying with you at all times your inner peace. I have just completed my studies as a meditation teacher. I will be starting up a Facebook page soon after graduation so that I can relay heaps of info and post guided meditations for you to try. The benefits of regular meditation are far reaching, I am really looking forward to sharing it all with you. Watch this space.

I hope this article has given you some ideas for prepping for summer. I cannot wait til the beach weather hits for a long & blissful summer! xo

Saturday 2 June 2012

Morning Routine– How to have the best day ever

Hello creators, what a beautiful day it has been today - the sun has been shining, a walk along the coast inspired some new creativity and I have happy vibes all around. Why might this be? Because I have a pretty awesome morning routine is why. Over a year ago, a typical morning for me used to be: sleep in as long as possible, get up at the last minute, move like a crazy lady to get ready for work, skip breakfast and rush out the door. In return, I had stressful days and found myself chasing my tail in every way shape and form. Since starting a solid morning routine I've found so much support for the day that follows. What you choose to do in the morning is so important, because it's at this time when you have rested and recovered, your body has regenerated and it is just waiting for you to tell it what to do and where you want it to go for the day.


6am: I choose to have a GREAT DAY from the moment I open my eyes

Alarm goes off, the dreary eyes open. I have a few choices:

  1. Press snooze, stay in bed and finish that dream
  2. Wake up and say “fml”
  3. Wake up and smile, thinking to myself:

I right now make a decision that this is going to be an incredible day. I’m going to wake up NOW and give myself the time to set up my perfect day. Waking up NOW will save me from rushing. Waking up now will lead to effectiveness and happiness. Setting up my perfect day will strengthen my knowing that I am the creator of my life as I set up my day then watch the miracles unfold.

Shifting to positive self talk MAKES me get excited to get the heck out of bed and make things happen.

6:05am Mindfulness exercise

Possibly the most important thing to do out of everything in my day. It switches on your awareness button which is totally useful for the whole day. Practiced every morning means you increase overall awareness in your life. Developed awareness means you develop awareness of yourself – every quirk, every reaction, everything. When you can see exactly how you work and are, you can become the master of your own universe.

6:15am Mini Yoga Sesh

While my oats are on the pot I get outside and do 10 minutes of basic power yoga. It’s at this time that the sun is rising and it marks the beginning of the new day. It’s here I feel inspired and thank the universe and sun for giving me another day and another chance to create all that I desire in this life.

6:25am Come back inside and eat my P-P-Power breakkie

The most important meal of the day. A protein-less brekkie might have been a big no no to me in the past, but since turning to raw food I am finding that I function a lot better this way. Brekkie is ½ cup of cooked steel cut oats, ½ Tbs of coconut oil, a sprinkling of blueberries and sprinkling of raspberries. The oats are full of silica and are great for digestion. The berries provide super antioxidant goodness and fight free radicals. & the coconut oil is great for my skin, digestion, metabolism and overall well-being. If I feel I need a bit of protein I will add a small handful of almonds instead of the coconut oil. Almonds are full of vitamin E and fibre. I add black chia seed every now and again too. Don’t forget to alkalise baby. A green juice or smoothie are good options. Otherwise I’ll do a lemon in water.

6:45am Shower and dress

It’s important to make the most of every situation you’re given – INCLUDING SHOWER TIME? Play your favourite music, sing a song, make it a joyous experience – because this is your day! & when you’re getting ready for the day ahead and choosing your clothes -  spruce up & feel great. Taking pride in presentation is NOT a superficial thing, it shows the world that you’re ready to put your best face forward, because today is going to be the best day ever!

7:15am The “Today I Am” Intention Board – The key to moving towards the person you want to be

This is probably not a new invention, but I created this little exercise for myself and I really enjoy it! Dave mentioned to me about telling myself intentions in the morning, Louise Hay says to write out an affirmation for the day 20 times in the morning. But this little ditty is what is most effective - TO ME, and by no means may it have the same effect on you. This idea came to me when I thought about how I want my life to look like and how I could try and bring it into fruition. I do it just before I leave the house. I write: “Today I am” and then following in big capital letters I write out the things I want to be for the day. For example:


Doing this just before I leave the house is a great way to let them go as soon as possible, when you want something to happen the letting go part is just as important as setting the intention for it! I would compare it to being like bringing your team into the office for a meeting to discuss the agenda for the day, and then saying goodbye and letting them go off and follow through with the tasks discussed. If you just keep them held hostage in the office,  you can’t let them do their work.

Exercises like these might seem a bit airy fairy, but whenever you are told something a bit woo woo – don’t let your mind go crazy with it and analyse the information and all that. There are times when feeling an instruction without thinking too much about it is terribly important. Your mind cannot create – sure it can provide the tools and you need your brain but I repeat your mind cannot create. Anything the mind creates is usually kinda ugly (think about the “Marilyn Munroe” sculpture outside of QV1). Your creator within is meant to do the creating. When I write my intention words I feel them, & I get a glimpse in my minds eye and what it might look like if I were for example "understanding". Even if that exact occurrence in my head doesn’t happen, something similar to the same effect does & it is exciting! Now just think if you can master this exercise for a while. Your intention muscle strengthens and you can start to work in there things that will transition you fully towards the things you want in life.

It is true that when we want something, we need to take the steps to make it appear in our lives, with physical, mental and spiritual action. If I want to be a business entrepreneur, I need to start thinking and being like one, otherwise how am I going to make that transition. If I want to be completely loving, I need to start thinking and being as though I am loving. What you focus on increases, where focus goes energy flows.

Don’t forget to say thank you that you have been given a new day, another day to live, another day to create. This is the way we were made to be

Have a beautiful, resourceful and magical day x

Friday 1 June 2012

NAT’S TURNING RAWfi (aka Raw Foodist)


Over the last couple of week’s I have made the transition to eat 70% RAW. I still eat cooked chicken/fish and I cook my steel cut oats, but the rest of it is UN-COOKED, UN-PROCESSED, FRESH AS POSSIBLE FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD. Real food.

I’m not sure why food seems to entertain us all so much, maybe it’s because we all know that deep down inside it holds a key to the way we experience life. I’ve found that the more that I experiment with foods and my daily diet, something becomes very clear - getting back to basics is the most beneficial for my overall well-being. Since turning to majority RAW I have noticed a few almost “miraculous” things have taken place:

My inner vibrance seems to come alive more powerfully

I have loads of energy

My hair is growing faster

My skin is looking clearer

My awareness has increased

I think more clearly & efficiently


I was a little bit inspired to try going the RAW way firstly because I already hold strong beliefs about the miracles of basic foods and then I got especially excited after reading David Wolfe’s book – Eating for Beauty. The book is focussed on raw based eating and the effects of different raw foods on the body. He gives a pretty good run down on what happens to the essential “life force” of foods when we cook them. There are so many miracles in raw foods as they are, ie nuts, veggies, fruits when they are fresh and organic as they still hold the energy from the sun and the earth.

There are some fundamentals of this book that I am incorporating into my daily diet and I think I’ve pretty much perfected it,  I’ll give you the run down on what a typical day’s diet looks like below. Here are the major foods he recommends to eat for beauty and why.

Pepitas - Source of tryptophan and essential fatty acids, anti-parasite effect and high in magnesium and zinc

Hemp seeds - Nutritionally complete food - all nine essential amino acids and rich in omega 3 & 6. Contain important proteins that are immediately utilised to build strong hair, nails, skin, muscle and connective tissue

Cucumbers - Kidney cleanser, alkalising, silicon (good for hair, skin & nails), water rich

Papaya - Contain alkaline minerals, vitamin A, collagen healing vitamin C, cleanse and soothe the digestive tract, deep radiant glowing eyes and skin

Berries - High in antioxidents protecting against free radical

Coconut oil - Improves the skin, antifungal, antiviral, aids digestion, boosts metabolism, MCFA's mean this fat is easily digested and absorbed by the body

Radishes - Rejuventating effects from high silicon, sulfur and vitamin C content

Stinging Nettles - Consuming dried nettle as a tea just as effective as eating the real thing. Contains chlorophyll, immune system builders, blood builders, vitamins A & C. Has highest level of beautifying mineral silicon than any other food, diuretic

Olives/Olive Oil - Highest natural source of vitamin E, stimulates immune system, keeps skin smooth, too many other benefits to mention.

A typical day's diet incorporating all of these raw foods looks something like this:

Breakfast: Steel cut oats (rich in silica), berries, coconut oil. Mug of Nettle tea
Snack 1: Serving of papaya & seaweed (zinc, vitamin and mineral rich, iron, manganese)
Lunch: Salad with radishes, cucumbers, broccoli, hemp seeds, pepitas, olive oil, lemon, and a serve of protein (cooked chicken/fish)
Snack 2: Cucumber & handful of nuts
Dinner: Superfood smoothie or salad with protein source

Raw food is really great to experiment with and you can actually do sooo much. Like these Raw Cakes I made on the weekend (Raspberry Dream Cheezecake & Choc Fudge Cake - all raw, no gluten, no dairy, no sugar):

There's heaps of resources out there to get stuck into recipes and the like. If you visit Manna or The Raw Kitchen they stock a multitude of books with raw recipes and all the food they sell in their cafe's is pretty divine.


Thursday 3 May 2012

Calling all Wonder Women - It's Time to Be SELFish

New definition: SELFish - An act of self love, becoming devoted to caring for oneself. Concerned with own best interests, regardless of others.

There is a HUGE support network for the modern female out there at the moment. The mission is clear: it's about bringing together those ladies that aspire to be true to their authentic selves, find a natural balance in their lives, & all the while reaching for and achieving their wildest dreams. We want to reach out to the ladies that lost themselves in a 9-5 which turned into a 7-6, the Mum's who give all of their attention to their family with hardly any time for themselves, the high flying career women in uber stressful jobs, & just women in general who put high expectations on themselves - whether it be physically, intellectually, socially or any other areas where they have sought for acceptance externally. The over-doing is causing anxiety, unhealthy stress levels, a loss of sense of being, weight gain and diminished immunity, meaning we get sick easy.

So why do we do it? A whole list of answers might come from those women who are still yet to realise & claim their greatness within:

  • To gain a sense of "achievement" (If I'm not stressed - I'm not doing enough!)
  • To have an excellent work CV (yes, a piece of paper saying all the high profile companies and job titles that you have climbed to - but when you die how much is the CV of your work matter, compared to the CV of your beautiful life lived at it's best?)
  • Because I was influenced by "Independent Women" by Destiny's Child & "I don't need a man" by the Pussycat Dolls - and I want to prove prove prove to men that I can do their job AND mine, all while maintaining my manicure
  • Well my peers are superhuman? They do it all and more! I will feel a sense of failure if I'm not achieving the same targets (not realising they are suffering the lack of sense of self that you are - OR just that their true path and goals are very different to yours)
  • To be Mother Theresa. My selflessness will make me a SAINT!

We work long and hard hours, increase our stress, have no time or energy to even get to exercise – and for what? So you can be a consumer? As a consumer these might be your normal cycles:

  • Work hard, Spend my money, Sleep - repeat.
  • Work hard, Get sick, Spend my money on a Dr and medication - repeat
  • Work hard, Stress out, Spend my money on holidays and any means to make myself feel better (including alcohol, day spas, a new dress etc) - repeat
  • Work hard, Lose energy, Turn to sugar, Gain weight - repeat
It’s time to identify these cycles then choose to do something worthwhile with our time and resources ladies. It’s time to get back in touch with our feminine power, and to live our best and healthiest lives. We’re on the pill, our hormones are going out of whack, we're competing with men and in turn bringing a masculine energy to our beings – argh! Let’s get back to basics. Being a woman is something strong. Beyond our gentle exteriors are hearts that roar and shine and care with an intuition and grace that men just don’t have.

Since when did a pair of Louboutins, an impressive CV with all the swanky job titles and corporations you've worked for, define who you are? How about we create the CV of our life with all of the meaningFUL things that brought us joy & made a difference. How about reclaiming the sense of beauty within that is ultimately natural and yours. A day spa isn’t going to cut it if you are experiencing adrenal fatigue. A holiday isn’t going to solve the problems you face when you get home. It’s time to work from the inside out.  Let me give you a few tips on how to be SELFish and claim yourself back:

1. Take some time out for yourself ASAP. Don't be afraid to take a step back - you will need this time to reflect. You might feel some guilt in letting go of your current routine, but SCHEDULE SOME TIME OUT - a day, a few days - whatever time you need (this may mean babysitters or taking leave from work). You'll need this time to be completely by yourself and reflect on what is actually happening in your life at this time. We get so caught up in our to do list sometimes, we feel abnormal when we actually STOP - and funnily that's exactly what isn't normal. (From my own experience - if you dont take this step & stop - life will force you to stop - in my own case I was in hospital!) The more aware we become of the imbalances and issues in our lives, the easier we can then attend to them. You might like to reflect on things like:
  • What is my general mood on a daily basis
  • What is my health looking like
  • How often am I doing the things I love
  • Is my mind always running a million miles an hour
  • Is my schedule allowing me for any time for myself
  • Am I happy in my relationships, are they healthy?
  • What are my true core values - am I living in line with them?
  • What are my true dreams and aspirations - what would my ideal life look like - minus the negative talk influencing the outcome (& do this without the "oh that's just not attainable" attitude)
Journalling is a beautiful way to get in touch with what the authentic you really feels and wants. Do it in a relaxed environment, and you might be surprised at what conclusions come out. Getting in touch with yourself and hearing yourself is the first step to empowerment.

In this time out session, you'll also want to absolutely indulge in things you love or have been longing to do, guiltlessly.

2. Free that soul! Define what makes YOU happy (& do it) What have been things you've been proud of doing in the past? Have you neglected your favourite sport? What are things that have been your natural talents and flairs (even if it was years and years ago)? Do you remember the last time you felt truly inspired? What was it about what you were doing at that time that lit your inner fire? You may be surprised that you actually really enjoy creating pieces of art, or taking up that old hobby that dropped off when your social calendar became a bit more important. It's time to prioritise yourself and what you love to be just as important as anyone elses. Make sure you do one small thing every day that makes you happy. The more you grow those things that YOU love, for you and only you, the more you introduce meaning, purpose and happiness into your life.

3. Let go of the things that aren't serving you I'm not saying you should absolve your responsibilities or abandon ship. All I'm saying is to have the courage and confidence to stand up for who you are and what you believe in - & sometimes that means dropping things that aren't necessarily serving you in any way shape or form. You now may have realised from your self reflection exercise that you are sacrificing a LOT of yourself for things that don't give you any benefit or fit in with your value system. Take a moment to list those things you just don't need... and DROP EM'. You might also want to practice saying the word "no", without apology, you never have to apologise for looking after yourself. You're worth it (yes you, no matter who you are or what you do)

4. Let wellbeing EMPOWER you. Move, eat beautiful fresh and healthy foods, meditate, rest, bring nutrients to the body, listen to the body, get regular wellbeing massages - do whatever your body is calling for. When you look after yourself & get deeply in tune with yourself. a whole heap of incredible things start to happen. It's like your whole being notices that you are investing in yourself, and in turn you create a wonderful sense of worth. You reap what you sow.

5. Use that feminine essence as power. The strength of a woman isn't based on these million and one things she can achieve, it's about the application of the innate inner female intelligence to any situation that arises. This is extremely relevant to what she decides to pursue as much as not pursue. Action becomes aligned with her higher order in life - and she can only identify what that is when she takes a step back and consults with herself from a deeper level (refer to step 1). Female insight, compassion and intuition are all beautiful strengths which create wonderful things in this world when consulted. There is a true power in feminine nature. When we take on too much masculine, our feelings & being can be put out of whack, and lose our natural state of being.

6. Have women you look up to and aspire to & use the support networks - to show you the way. This is my favourite part - showing you the women who have DONE IT and want to teach you and be there for you - all the way to achieving your dreams. More than ever we need to find like minded females to connect with and uplift & support each other. The modern woman embraces her soul, realises her feminine power, takes action based on own values and goals, manifests her desires and dreams, is contiually learning and growing, believes in her greatest gifts & looks after her body the best way she knows how.

Women inspiring me - check em out:

Amy Ahlers (Wake Up Call Coaching) -
Susana Frioni (Yoga Teacher & Selfish For 27 Days founder) -
Connie Chapman (A Life of Perfect Days & Life Coach)
Jess Ainscough (The Wellness Warrior)
Marie Forleo (Business Entrepreneur & "Inspirationist")
Gabrielle Bernstein - (Motivational speaker & spiritual guru)
Miranda Kerr - (Model, author, Kora Organics, beaming soul and inspirer for my health) 
Christine Arylo (Inspirational Catalyst & Self Love Author) -

All different Authors - Brandon Bays (The Journey), Louise Hay (How to Heal Your Life), Janet Attwood (The Passion Test)
I also enjoy looking up info on strong & inspiring females ie: Nobel Peace Prize Winners (

& the real life heroines that are around me in my own life, when they are true to their feminine self and create sparks of greatness.

I am personally on my own journey where I reflect on ALL these areas regularly. The path of self discovery is an ongoing process, but as I become clearer on who I am, who I want to be, and what I want to achieve, it seems that life does the rest and leads me to beautiful things. The moment you start investing in yourself is when the miracles happen (it's called CO-CREATING WITH LIFE). The world won't fall on its ass the moment you take time out for yourself, trust me. The best lesson of this I have learnt through meditation - it teaches the important of stillness. When everything is "off", only your being is left. In this space you see the bigger picture, of your soul, body, mind and life itself. Through stillness you are led to clarity, and it is only when we are clear that we get what we want.

Go girls - "girl power" is taking on a new meaning. It's the awakening of the new modern female who will achieve great things, join the shift.
